Reaney, S. M., Lane S. N. and Heathwaite A. L. 2009: Simulating the Spatial Distribution of Hydrological Connectivity Under Possible Future Climates – Impacts on River Flow Dynamics and Non-Point Source Pollution; Oral Presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
Milledge, D.; Heathwaite, L.; Lane, S. N.; Reaney, S. M. 2009: SCIMAP: Modelling Diffuse Pollution in Large River Basins; Poster at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA jpf image or pdf of the poster
Reaney S M, Lane S N, Heathwaite A L and Dugdale L 2008: Making a connection – modelling hydrological connectivity across landscapes; Research Seminar at Environmental Sciences Research Institute, University of Ulster. pdf of the PowerPoint Slides
Lane S N, Reaney S M, Dugdale L and Heathwaite A L 2007: The Control of Salmonid Populations by Hydrological Connectivity: an analysis at the local, reach and watershed scales; American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
Reaney S M, Lane S N Heathwaite A L and Buckley 2007: Spatially based management of agricultural phosphorus pollution from diffuse sources: The SCIMAP risk based approach; American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
Reaney S M, Lane S N and Heathwaite A L 2007: Predicting the spatial distribution of hydrological connectivity under a possible future climate; The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Meeting, Perugia, Italy
Lane S N, Reaney S and Heathwaite A L 2007: Does topography control the spatial organization of landscape hydrological connectivity; European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna.
Lane S N, Burt T P, Dixon J, Dugdale L J, Heathwaite A L, Maltby and Reaney S 2007: Demonstration of the mediation by surface hydrological connectivity of the influence of landscape factors on instream ecology European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna.
Reaney S M, Lane S N and Heathwaite A L 2007: A numerical study of the impacts of climate change on surface hydrological connectivity in an upland environment. European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna.
Reaney S M, Lane S N, Heathwaite A L and Dugdale L 2006: Integrated land-water risk analysis for the protection of sensitive catchments from diffuse pollution; British Hydrological Society 9th National Hydrology Symposium, Durham University, September 2006.
Reaney S M, Lane S N and Heathwaite A L 2006: Integrated land-water risk analysis for the protection of sensitive catchments from diffuse pollution; European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna.
Lane, S N, Heathwaite, A L and Brookes, C J 2005: Where does diffuse pollution come from? A multi-scale risk-based approach grounded in hydrological conductivity; European Geosciences Society General Assembly, Vienna, April 2005
Brookes, C.J., Holden, J., James, T.D., Kirkby, M.J., Lane, S.N., McDonald, A.M., Reid, S.C. and Tayefi, V. 2003: Connectivity and routing of overland flow in TOPMODEL : The SCIMAP Approach; European Geophysical Society XXVIII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003