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Catchment scale flood management using SCIMAP-Flood: Spatial targeting of flood hazard reduction measures in the East Rapti catchment, Nepal

Date: April 09, 2019 Callum Pearson, Sim M. Reaney, Nick J. Rosser, Andrew R.G. Large, Matthew T. Perks, and Borbála Hortobágyi Practical approaches for managing flood… Read More »Catchment scale flood management using SCIMAP-Flood: Spatial targeting of flood hazard reduction measures in the East Rapti catchment, Nepal

Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development

Porter K. D.H.. Reaney S. M.. Quilliam R. S., Burgess C. and Oliver D. M. 2017: Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development;  Science of The Total Environment 609, 456-465

Read More »Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development