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SCIMAP User Group Meeting 2016 Programme

This is the programme for the user group meeting which takes place on 18th Oct 2016 at CIWEM Venue, 106-109 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8QS.

The aim of the meeting is to bring together the different users of SCIMAP to share their experiences, learn from each other and to see the new developments that are happening with the approach. the meeting will be informal with sufficient time for questions and discussion. There is a page of answers to common questions here.

Overview of the day:

10:00 Coffee

10:30: Welcome and overview of the day. Sim Reaney, Durham University

Session One: Using SCIMAP for Catchment Management

11:45 Coffee Break

Session Two: Web based version of SCIMAP – Overview, demonstration and training.

12:15 Presentation and interactive session. Sim Reaney, Durham University


13:00 Free, supported by ESRC

Session Three: New SCIMAP Developments

15:30 Coffee, discussion, informal chat and hands on with WebApp

16:30 End of the user group meeting.