10:30 Opening and Welcome.
Sim Reaney, Durham University
Keynote One:
10:40 Diffuse Pollution, the Water Framework Directive and SCIMAP – an Environment Agency View.
Linda Pope, Environment Agency
User stories:
11:00 [Cancelled] Using SCIMAP with other Water Quality models for Water Framework Directive investigations.
Mark Barnett, Environment Agency.
11:15 Applying the SCIMAP hydrological connectivity model in headwater agricultural catchments in Ireland.
Shore, M, Melland, A.R, Murphy, P.N.C., Jordan, P., Mellander P-E., Mechan, S., Shine, O., and Shortle, G, Teagasc, Republic of Ireland.
11:30 Comparing SCIMAP critical source areas to locally identified ‘hotspots’ from catchment walkover surveys.
John M Douglass, Environment Agency.
11:40 Coffee
Keynote Two:
12:00 SCIMAP: A history of the rivers trust movement and hydrological connectivity
Alistair Maltby, Rivers Trust
User stories:
12:20 The SCIMAP modelling framework: a powerful tool for targeting the planning and delivery of integrated catchment management interventions.
Nick Paling, Westcountry Rivers Trust.
12:35 SCIMAP: The experience of the Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust
David Higgins, Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust
12:50 The economic benefit of targeting diffuse pollution mitigation measure with SCIMAP.
Ashar Aftab, Durham University.
13:05 Lunch
The Road Ahead:
14:00 Integrating sediment and nutrient risk in catchments.
Magdalena Bieroza, Lancaster University
14:20 SCIMAP on the web.
Michelle Walker (Rivers Trust) and Sim Reaney (Durham University)
14:40 Reflections on the future of SCIMAP.
Stuart Lane, Université de Lausanne
15:00 Open Q and A Session and Pop-ups
15:30 Close
15:30 – 16:30 SCIMAP Surgery.
Some of the SCIMAP team will be available to talk to about your SCIMAP problems and ideas.